Sarah Monnier
Language is the mother, not the handmaiden, of thought; words will tell you things you never thought or felt before.
- W. H. Auden
Monnier headshot 2023

Writer ♦ Editor ♦ Distribution

Sarah Monnier is a scholar, poet, and academic writer with a background in Shakespeare, Jane Austen, Inklings, and Beowulf studies. She has edited business books, academic articles, novels, short stories, and popular history. In addition to editing and proofreading skills, she provides distribution services from setting up ISBNs and barcodes for publications, to getting books and audiobooks formatted and sent to the proper channels for wider distribution to libraries and bookstores.

What I Offer

Proofreading (Fiction / Nonfiction / Academic / Poetry)$35$0.015
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Editing$40-Contact me
Distribution Training$50-Contact me


Proofreading is the final step before publishing, after you've carefully chosen all your words, edited ruthlessly, killed your darlings, and let go of the rest. This is the moment when spelling, punctuation, grammar, and any other fine details are checked fastidiously, ensuring that no minor error takes away from the power of your voice.


Editing is as important as writing your book, though it looks and feels very different. Editing is turning the raw words into tightly crafted prose or poetry that communicates clearly and incisively. Having an outside reader with experience in organizing material and honing syntax allows you to see your own writing in a new light and polish it to its brightest possible sheen.


Distribution Training sessions cover the basics of getting your book out into the world. We will explore various avenues of publication to discover what is best for you; walk through how to format books, procure ISBNs, order proofs, secure copywrite, and make sure your book is accessible to as large an audience as possible.

Let's Get Started! Contact Me Today