Kira Tregoning
A writer is a person who cares what words mean, what they say, how they say it. Writers know words are their way towards truth and freedom, and so they use them with care, with thought, with fear, with delight. By using words well they strengthen their souls. Story-tellers and poets spend their lives learning that skill and art of using words well. And their words make the souls of their readers stronger, brighter, deeper.
- Ursula K. Le Guin

Author ♦ Proofreader ♦ Marketer

Kira Tregoning is a fantasy author and independent scholar with a love of mythology. She has been through the self-publishing journey multiple times and knows how anxiety-inducing and stressful the process can be for authors. Kira has published a trilogy of fantasy novels and is working on a Greek myth retelling from Helen of Troy's perspective, due for publication in 2024. She also runs the new blog Wander in Myths, where she explores topics from mythology, fairy tales, and fandom. Outside of writing, Kira has worked in digital marketing for more than a decade and can share her extensive knowledge of social media, graphic design, and video filming with authors trying to do those things for themselves. Member of ACES.

Preferred Genres: Fantasy, Sci-fi, Academic (Humanities), Myths & Legends, Arthurian, Tolkien

What I Offer

Proofreading (Novels)$35$0.015
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Proofreading (Thesis / Dissertation / Academic)$35$0.015
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Beta Reading$25-Contact me
Marketing Consultation$50-Contact me
Marketing Training$50-Contact me

Proofreading is the final stage of editing before publication. You should already have gone through multiple stages of editing, and your manuscript is now as polished as you can get it before sending to a proofreader.

In proofreading, I correct minor errors, not major developmental items. Proofing changes include: typos, inconsistencies in spelling or formatting, missing words, run-on sentences, and more.


Beta Reading occurs around the same time as developmental editing. You must have a complete manuscript, and it should already have gone through multiple rounds of revision before reaching a beta reader.

This is not an editing service, though I will point out errors if I find them. Every beta read includes a reader report with my high-level feedback on plot, characters, and more from a reader's perspective.


Marketing Consultations include a review of your current marketing efforts and advice on how to improve.

Marketing Training sessions cover how to get started with your own marketing, strategy, graphics, and more. We meet in multiple sessions to walk through aspects of digital marketing so you can learn and improve the skills to doing your own book marketing.

Let's Get Started! Contact Me Today